URSU’s Town Hall is fast-approaching. Despite not being listed on the Facebook event page, Cheryl Sweet, the Presidents’ Office receptionist, confirmed that President Vianne Timmons and Provost Thomas Chase will be attending the event.
Carillon Editor-in-Chief John Loeppky said this is a step up from last year’s Town Hall, which “…was more about what URSU does. Admin wasn’t there. The last thing they did with Admin was they were trying to do one about the URFA strike…”
Loeppky also commented on the direction the Town Hall might go; saying that the Student Union and Members of the Executive are both looking into subjects like tuition and how to protect students.
Reaching for comment, Victor Oriola, President of the University of Regina’s Student Union, said what URSU has specific goals for at the event:
“The major goal at the joint Town Hall with URSU at the University is to bridge the gap that is perceived to exist between the students of the University and the leadership of the University. So, normally when something goes on at the University, there tends to be a lot of speculation as to what the discussion making process was. What this town hall will be is that it removes the need for that speculation in students… and obtain from the source, why things are the way that they are.”
Psychology student Holly Worby, who hopes to attend, said she would like to know whether tuition raises are going into Admin’s salaries instead of to profs/classes/student needs.
Worby also commented that she’d like to hear about how “they think hiring more sessionals and less professors will impact students”, how “moving to cut out student’s reviewing profs at the end of the semester is supposed to benefit the students too”, and that “the situation with Chartwells should also be discussed”
The later referring to the new renewed agreement the University made with Chartwells after the disappointing year they had with regards to the “mislabeling of foods, specifically Halal and non-Halal meats, as well as the various Riddell roach reports,” as can found in an article by Ben Schneider from The Carillon.
The Town Hall meeting will take place on September 25th from 12 to 2 p.m. and will be located within the U of R Riddell Centre multipurpose room. The URSU Executive Committee and University leadership will be taking student questions and discussing concerns with regards to the University and the committees within.