Youth Team Sports Are Learning Opportunities

A photo of a school and playground in a snow-covered rural town (Lafleche) in front of the curling and hockey rinks. A three-story house peeks out from above the curling rink.

“Sports is but a way for youth to work together and achieve a common goal. The lessons learned along the way come in many forms and both youth and parents get to learn them together,” said Brent Chadwick, the principal of Assiniboia Composite High School.

Chadwick said, “I have been involved in youth sports for over 40 years in a variety of capacities and levels. I started coaching baseball and then moved to basketball and football.  I have also officiated baseball, basketball, football, and softball. During that time I have also mentored young coaches on how to work with youth in sports.”

According to her website, Heidi Watson is a “dedicated occupational therapist passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their fullest potential” who works at and owns Tumbleweed Health Services. Watson works with youth on emotional regulation skills, social skills, and motor skill development—including balance and coordination.

She said, “Playful, engaging youth sports are important for brain and body development by challenging strength, coordination, and resilience. Through teamwork, children are able to build social skills and enhance their ability to learn in other areas of their lives.”

Nicholas Berry is a former football, hockey, and baseball player from Chestermere, Alberta who is now studying Civil Engineering at the University of Jamestown in North Dakota. He said, “Creating connections with both teammates and coaches had major impacts in my life. I found that having good role models within sports was extremely important to my growth as a person.”

Berry continued, “I’ve learned a lot and when you make those good connections, you stay connected forever. I’ve recently been able to use some previous coaches as references on job applications which has been tremendously helpful. Good role models also help you become a better and more mature person in general.”

Chadwick made the same point about the importance of learning to build connections, “Youth need to engage with each other and understand how groups work as early as possible in their development. Sports offer a variety of ways for youth to learn how to interact with their peers as well as adults.”

Continuing, Chadwick said, “The more skills they can learn early in their lives, the easier [their] teen and adult [years] can be. Team sports can provide both positive and challenging situations that youth will need to problem solve ways to either continue the situation or change the situation for themselves as well as others.”

“Team sports very much bring communities together. It creates that common purpose for youth and a whole lifestyle for families. People working towards a common goal with their children bonds them and allows them to communicate together, as well as working with other families to make the sport happen.” Chadwick said.

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